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Articles in Linux




Bash Concatenate Strings

Join two strings together in Bash

Thumbnail for Prianka SubrahmanyamPrianka Subrahmanyam

Bash Comments

Comments will help make your scripts more readable

Thumbnail for Prianka SubrahmanyamPrianka Subrahmanyam

Bash printf

How to use string formatting with bash printf

Thumbnail for Glory KimGlory Kim

How to Add a User to Sudoers

Grant elevated privileges to users

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Bash Case Statement

A popular alternative to the if-then-else statement

Thumbnail for Amit JotwaniAmit Jotwani

Bash Aliases

Create an alias for common commands

Thumbnail for Brett TerpstraBrett Terpstra

Chmod 755

General meaning, examples, and flags for chmod 755

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Reading User Input

Via command line arguments and prompting users for input

Thumbnail for Amit JotwaniAmit Jotwani

Chmod +X

An overview of chmod +x and how to use it

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Chown Recursively

How to recursively change the ownership of files

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Curl Follow Redirect(s)

Learn how to make curl automatically follow a redirect along with the most common pitfalls to avoid when doing so.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Curl Post Request

Use cURL to send data to a server

Thumbnail for Zev StravitzZev Stravitz

Curl With Headers

Send request headers with cURL

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Curl With Basic Auth

Perform a basic access authentication with cURL

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Show Curl Headers

Curl request and response headers

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Grep Show Lines Before and After

Learn how to show N lines or all lines before and after the result returned by the `grep` command.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

How to run chmod recursively

Using -R is probably not what you want

Thumbnail for Brett TerpstraBrett Terpstra

How to run cron every hour

Along with variations and examples

Thumbnail for Philip WilkinsonPhilip Wilkinson

How to use sudo rm -rf safely

We'll help you understand its components

Thumbnail for Neeran GulNeeran Gul

Kill a Process in Linux

Strategies for finding and killing processes

Thumbnail for Shawn TabaiShawn Tabai

Kill Command

Basic syntax and usage of the kill command

Thumbnail for Tom WagnerTom Wagner

mkdir if not exists

Create directories when they don’t already exist

Thumbnail for Amanda KhooAmanda Khoo

How To Use Unix Wildcards

How to use wildcard characters in Linux/Unix commands

Thumbnail for Brett TerpstraBrett Terpstra

Linux File Permissions Explained [Needs Table]

Understand what common expressions like “drwxr xr x” actually mean for a file or directory’s read, write, and execute permissions.

Thumbnail for Brett TerpstraBrett Terpstra

Generate, Sign, and View a CSR With OpenSSL

Learn how to generate, self-sign, and verify certificate signing requests with `openssl`.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Copy File From Remote To Local Using Scp

Copy files and directories from a remote to local

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Removing Directories in Linux

How to remove directories and their content

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

What Does sudo chown Do?

Why sudo chown is sudo and some common pitfalls

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

How To Use sudo su

A quick overview of using sudo su

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Verify Certificate With OpenSSL

Learn how to verify local and remote certificates with openssl

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Clear npm Cache

Learn how to clear the npm cache on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Ignoring SSL Certificate Issues with cURL

Discover how to bypass SSL certificate verification in cURL for HTTPS endpoints, addressing both direct requests and those via proxies. We will also see how this could be handled both in the terminal and system-wide via the `.curlrc` file

Thumbnail for Gabriel ManricksGabriel Manricks

Upload Files With curl

Learn how to upload a file to FTP, SFTP servers, Artifactory, and AWS S3 using the curl command.

Thumbnail for Utsav PoudelUtsav Poudel

How To Copy A Directory In Linux

Learn how to copy directories and their content in Linux using the cp command with options like -r for recursive copying, -i for interactive mode, and -a for preserving attributes.

Thumbnail for Philip WilkinsonPhilip Wilkinson

How to Download Files With curl And wget

Learn how to start and resume the download of files via the HTTP and FTP protocols using the curl and wget commands.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Create Directories Recursively With mkdir

Learn how to recursively create nested directories using the mkdir command, Bash scripts, and Python scripts.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

How To Filter The Output of Commands

Learn how to filter and format the output of commands and logs using the grep, awk, uniq, head, and tail commands.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

How To Unzip A tar.gz File

Learn how to unzip a tar.gz file on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Thumbnail for Utsav PoudelUtsav Poudel

Create User In Linux

Learn to create and configure user accounts in Linux in interactive and non-interactive mode using the useradd and adduser commands.


Change User Passwords In Linux

Learn how to change, manage and generate user passwords in Linux using the passwd, chpasswd, chage and openssl commands.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Edit Files in Linux

Learn how to edit files in Linux using command-line file editors such as Vim, Nano, and Emacs, the output redirection operator, and the sed command.


List Users In Linux

Learn how to list users and groups in Linux.


Create Files In Linux

Learn how to create regular files in Linux using command line interface commands like touch, echo, cat, printf, and in-terminal text editors like Vim.


Copy Files In Linux

Learn how to safely and recursively copy one or more files locally and remotely in Linux using the cp and scp command.


Find Files In Linux

Learn how to find and filter files in Linux by owner, size, date, type and content using the find command.


Delete Files In Linux

Learn how to selectively delete files in Linux based on patterns and properties using the rm command.


Remover Users in Linux

Learn how to remove local and remote user accounts and associated groups and files in Linux using the userdel and deluser commands.


Switch Users In Linux

Learn how to switch between users, log in as another user, and execute commands as another user in Linux.


Create Groups In Linux

Learn how to manually and automatically create and list groups in Linux.


Format Command Output In Linux

Learn how to filter and format the content of files and the output of commands in Linux using the awk command.


POST JSON Data With Curl

How to send valid HTTP POST requests with JSON data payloads using the curl command and how to avoid common syntax pitfalls. Also, how to solve the HTTP 405 error code.

Thumbnail for Neeran GulNeeran Gul

Linux Chmod Command

Understand how to use chmod to change the permissions of files and directories. See examples with various chmod options.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

How to Check the Size of Folders in Linux

Learn how to output the size of directories and subdirectories in a human-readable format in Linux and macOS using the du command.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

Count Files in Linux

Learn how to count files and folders contained in directories and subdirectories in Linux using the ls, find, and wc commands.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu

List Open Ports in Linux

Learn how to output the list of open TCP and UDP ports in Linux, as well as their IP addresses and ports using the netstat command.

Thumbnail for Razvan LudosanuRazvan Ludosanu



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