Undo a Git Pull

Undo a Git Pull

In a nutshell

Using the [.inline-code]git reset --hard[.inline-code]  command will reset the current branch to the specified commit and undo the merge that was performed by the [.inline-code]git pull[.inline-code]  command.

 $ git reset --hard  [<commit>] [<remote branch>] [<time reference>]

The above commands list potential ways to revert to a previous commit

  • [.inline-code][<commit>][.inline-code] references a commit hash: [.inline-code]git reset --hard a248db2[.inline-code]
  • [.inline-code][<remote branch>][.inline-code] references a branch name: [.inline-code]git reset --hard test/foo[.inline-code]
  • [.inline-code][<time reference>][.inline-code] references a previous point in time: [.inline-code]git reset --hard HEAD@{"1 minute ago"}[.inline-code]

To learn how to identify local commits, read our post about viewing git commit history using [.inline-code]git reflog[.inline-code].

[#easily-recall-with-ai]Remind yourself of the syntax using AI Command Search[#easily-recall-with-ai]

If you’re using Warp as your terminal, you can easily retrieve this command using the Warp AI Command Search feature:

Entering [.inline-code]git undo pull[.inline-code] in the AI Command Search will suggest you the correct [.inline-code]git[.inline-code] command, which you can then quickly insert into your shell by doing [.inline-code]CMD+ENTER[.inline-code].

[#using-git-reset]Using git-reset to undo a git pull[#using-git-reset]

The [.inline-code]git reset[.inline-code] command is particularly useful when you want to start with a clean slate and undo the changes that were merged with a [.inline-code]git pull[.inline-code].

Effectively, [.inline-code]git pull[.inline-code] is the combination of [.inline-code]git fetch[.inline-code] and [.inline-code]git merge[.inline-code].  [.inline-code]git fetch[.inline-code] grabs the updates from the remote repository, and [.inline-code]git merge[.inline-code] merges any changes into the current branch.

To undo the merge effects of a git pull,[.inline-code]git reset[.inline-code] will revert the repository to a previous history which achieves the same goal.

Here are some examples below:

  • If you know the specific commit you want to revert to [.inline-code]git reset --hard <commit-sha>[.inline-code] will bring your repository back to that specific commit.
  • If [.inline-code]git pull[.inline-code] fetched only one commit, you can undo that single commit using [.inline-code]git reset --hard HEAD^[.inline-code].
  • To undo N commits, [.inline-code]git reset --hard HEAD~N[.inline-code].
  • If you don't remember the commit, you can also leverage a time reference - [.inline-code]git reset --hard HEAD@{"10 minutes ago"}[.inline-code].

Learn more about [.inline-code]git reset[.inline-code] in this article about undoing git commits

[#preserve-local-changes]Preserving your local changes[#preserve-local-changes]

Using [.inline-code]git reset --hard[.inline-code] will remove all the local changes. To hold onto local changes but still undo a [.inline-code]git pull[.inline-code], you can leverage [.inline-code]git stash[.inline-code] as follows: 

1. [.inline-code]git stash[.inline-code] to stash local changes

2. [.inline-code]git reset --hard HEAD^[.inline-code] to undo a git pull

3. [.inline-code]git stash apply[.inline-code] to reapply your local changes

[#abort-git-pull]Cancel or abort an ongoing [.inline-code]git pull[.inline-code][#abort-git-pull]

In some cases, you will be looking to “undo” a [.inline-code]git pull[.inline-code] that is not yet completed. This may happen when you try to [.inline-code]git pull[.inline-code], and are met with merge conflicts.

In this situation, you can use the [.inline-code]git merge --abort[.inline-code] command to abort the merge in progress. This command will bring your repository to the state it was prior to the merge.

To abort an in-flight [.inline-code]git pull[.inline-code], pressing [.inline-code]ctrl[.inline-code]+[.inline-code]c[.inline-code] in the terminal window will cancel the operation. But if the operation had already completed, you will want to refer to the steps above to revert the [.inline-code]git pull[.inline-code].

[#github]Undo a GitHub pull request[#github]

[#undo-unmerged-pr]Undo an unmerged pull request[#undo-unmerged-pr]

To undo or close a pull request that has not been merged:

  1. Go to the pull request page and click on the button that says "Close pull request"
  2. Go to the repository and select the "Branches".
  3. Once you've located your branch, click on the "Delete branch" button next to your branch name.

[#undo-merged-pr]Undo a merged pull request[#undo-merged-pr]

To undo or close a pull request that has not been merged:

  1. Go to the pull request page and click on the button that says "Close pull request"
  2. Go to the repository and select the "Branches".
  3. Once you've located your branch, click on the "Delete branch" button next to your branch name.