• Modern UX

    Edit and navigate faster in the terminal with Warp's IDE-like input editor.

  • AI Tools

    Prompt in natural language, generate code, delegate tasks to AI and much more.

  • Warp Drive

    Save and share interactive notebooks, workflows, and environment variables.

  • All Features

Warp Drive

Put your terminal workflows on rails

Warp Drive is a secure space in your terminal where you can save and share interactive notebooks and reusable workflows.

Download for Mac
brew install --cask warp

Debian, Ubuntu


Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE

winget install Warp.Warp

On a mobile device? Send Warp to your work station.

Background gradient for product animation


Work through runbooks without leaving the terminal

Combine code blocks and documentation into interactive Notebooks that live next to your command line and sync in real-time.

  • Markdown flavored editor
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Embed workflows or runnable code
Warp terminal window showing instructions for running an app locally, including setting up an SSH key, with a sidebar containing various documentation sections.


Find and run the right commands

More powerful than aliases, Workflows let you save your most important commands and search for them by name.

  • Define arguments and descriptions
  • Use CTRL-R to search on-demand
  • Learn how often workflows get used
Warp terminal window displaying a script to locate large files in a directory, with input fields for path, file type, size, and modification time, and an option to save the workflow.

Session Sharing

Multiplayer, now in the terminal

Stream your session and hand over the controls to trusted teammates. Start a shared session to streamline:

  • Team onboarding
  • Paired coding
  • Incident response
Explore Session Sharing
Headshot of Mihir Garimella
“Since we’ve moved our library of aliases over to Warp, we can run them directly in the terminal without using tools — and they always stay up-to-date.”

Mihir Garimella

CEO and Co-founder, Actively

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Warp Drive is free for up to three (3) team members. There are no hard limits on storage size. There are some limits to the number of objects you have in a shared Team drive. Visit warp.dev/pricing to learn more.

  • Yes! Notebooks can be imported and exported in Markdown format. Workflows can be imported or exported in .yaml.

  • When you’re offline, Warp Drive will continue to work in read only mode. You must have a connection to the internet to create new workflows, update existing workflows, or sync updated workflows from a shared team drive.

  • Objects, like folders and workflows, saved in the Warp Drive are securely stored in the cloud and encrypted at rest. Learn more about Warp’s approach to privacy and security.

  • They’re similar! You can think of workflows in Warp as parameterized aliases you can share. Compared to aliases, it’s also easier to document and search for workflows.

Experience the power of Warp

  • Write with an IDE-style editor
  • Easily navigate through output
  • Save commands to reuse later
  • Ask Warp AI to explain or debug
  • Customize keybindings and launch configs
  • Pick from preloaded themes or design your own
Download for Mac
Contact sales
brew install --cask warp

Debian, Ubuntu


Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE

Contact sales
winget install Warp.Warp

On a mobile device? Send Warp to your work station.

Background gradient for product animation