• Modern UX

    Edit and navigate faster in the terminal with Warp's IDE-like input editor.

  • AI Tools

    Prompt in natural language, generate code, delegate tasks to AI and much more.

  • Warp Drive

    Save and share interactive notebooks, workflows, and environment variables.

  • All Features

Modern UX

Edit easier, navigate faster

Feel like a command line pro on day one with a terminal reimagined for modern development.

Download for Mac
brew install --cask warp

Debian, Ubuntu


Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE

winget install Warp.Warp

On a mobile device? Send Warp to your work station.

Background gradient for product animation


Edit commands like in an IDE

Only Warp lets you place your mouse and cursor on the command line so you can edit like you’d expect from your favorite text editor.

  • Input, select, and edit without backspacing
  • Edit multiple lines at once
  • Use smart selection to grab links, file paths, emails, IP addresses, or numbers

Command Completions

Smart completions, out of the box

Warp includes completions for 400+ CLI tools like cargo, docker, terraform, Vim, React, and more.

  • Customize whether you use tab or arrow to accept completions
  • Get completions on-demand or as you type
A terminal window showing code for configuring an Azure monitor action group and a pop-up suggestion for Terraform commands. The background is dark blue.


Navigate easier with Blocks

Warp originated the terminal Block, grouping input and output together for easier navigation.

  • Move up and down through blocks of terminal input and output
  • Copy or share permalinks to block contents
  • Filter through block contents without grep
A terminal window displaying a log file with timestamps and various log entries. The background is dark blue.
A terminal window showing a search bar with the term "EVENT" highlighted, and log entries displayed below. The background is dark blue.
A terminal window displaying log entries with timestamps and a search bar highlighting the term "ERROR." The background is dark blue.

Peace and power on the command line

Warp comes complete with quality of life features and customizable settings 
to make your experience in the terminal better every day.

Command Search

CTRL + R to search across your history and workflows

Command Palette

CMD + P to navigate the whole Warp app and its settings

Keyboard Shortcuts

Customize your keyboard shortcuts

Markdown Viewer

Open your Markdown README files in Warp

Split Panes

CMD + D to split panes and drop and drop to rearrange them

Synced Inputs

Option + CMD + I to sync input across multiple panes or tabs

Vim Keybindings & Editing

Edit commands with Vim keybindings

Secret Redaction

Programmatically obscure sensitive data or keys in your terminal

Command Corrections

Warp recognizes typos and suggests the right command

Error & Syntax Highlighting

Syntax highlighting clearly defines parts of your command and errors get underlined for your attention


Warp extends and integrates with popular development tools like Docker, Raycast, VSCode and JetBrains IDEs

An enterprise-ready app that’s a joy to use

Nat Friedman profile picture

Nat Friedman

CEO @ Github

Finally, innovation in terminals! @warpdotdev

Katerina Skroumpelou profile picture

Katerina Skroumpelou


Every day I love @warpdotdev more. The autocompletion, the fzf of my past commands, the blocks of command outputs. It's just so efficient!

Aman Virk profile picture

Aman Virk

Building @adonisframework

Giving @warpdotdev a try. It is blazing fast and indeed feels like a modern terminal.

Jon Meyers profile picture

Jon Meyers

Developer Advocate @supabase

Just started using @warpdotdev as my main terminal!🎉

It is just so good!💯

I don't know why I just accepted that one of the main tools I use every day as a developer was so bad!!

Ash Allen profile picture

Ash Allen


I don't think you'll regret it one bit. @warpdotdev is really cool and I've completely switched to using it now

Chau Tran profile picture

Chau Tran

Engineer @nrwl_io

@warpdotdev editor is a game changer for my terminal workflow. I love how I can navigate the terminal editor just like a code editor with all the Move/Move-Select keymap. Great job!

Srijan Paul profile picture

Srijan Paul


@warpdotdevis early access and yet absolutely mindblowing! Became my new favorite terminal overnight. Best features from all the different shells I've used and a modern look UI + keybindings. Could not have asked for more.

Nat Friedman profile picture

Nat Friedman

CEO @ Github

Finally, innovation in terminals! @warpdotdev

Katerina Skroumpelou profile picture

Katerina Skroumpelou


Every day I love @warpdotdev more. The autocompletion, the fzf of my past commands, the blocks of command outputs. It's just so efficient!

Aman Virk profile picture

Aman Virk

Building @adonisframework

Giving @warpdotdev a try. It is blazing fast and indeed feels like a modern terminal.

Jon Meyers profile picture

Jon Meyers

Developer Advocate @supabase

Just started using @warpdotdev as my main terminal!🎉

It is just so good!💯

I don't know why I just accepted that one of the main tools I use every day as a developer was so bad!!

Ben Holmes profile picture

Ben Holmes


Just saying, I heckin love @warpdotdev

🚀Stupid fast boot times View history with arrow keys (no mindless ⬆️⬆️⬆️...)

✂️ Each command is a block for easy scrolling, error highlighting, and copy / past-ability

💻 Intellisense for npm and git

Kevin | kevcode.sol profile picture

Kevin | kevcode.sol


holy @warpdotdev is the best terminal I've ever used

bleachedsleet.eth profile picture

✦ bleachedsleet.eth ✦


2/ @warpdotdev A new terminal developed in Rust, I instantly fell in love when I tried it. There's just no going back from the incredible navigation workflows you can achieve with this tool. If the terminal had been invented today, this what we would get. Bravo!

Asbjørn B profile picture

Asbjørn B


@warpdotdev is really the terminal i've been missing, since my switch to OSX!

Kudos to everyone involved, for an awesome terminal!

Sylvain profile picture

Sylvain (:seel-vahn)


Just received my invite to @warpdotdev and I already love the developer experience and the speed of that terminal. A breath of fresh air for me and my MacBook 2015!👇https://warp.dev

Mr. Ninja profile picture

Mr. Ninja


just got my invite for @warpdotdev and holy crap it has been worth the wait. What an incredible product! thank you for letting me in.

Zack profile picture



Just started using @warpdotdev's terminal... so far it's been a way better experience than using iTerm2

Raul profile picture



I got beta access to @warpdotdev.

I have to say that I'm really impressed with it.

Despite the beauty, it's super fast, and the out-of-box auto-suggestion is delightful to use.

Pleasant experience. Well done, peps!

Private by default

Input and output is never captured. Cloud features are opt-in only. App analytics and crash reports are completely optional.

Secure by design

Your account-level data is encrypted at rest and in transit, and safely stored on Google Cloud servers.

Learn more about privacy at Warp

Trusted by hundreds of thousands of professional developers

Download Warp to get started

Download for Mac

Debian, Ubuntu


Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE

On a mobile device? Send Warp to your work station.